Published Mar 20. 2020 - 4 years ago
Updated or edited Mar 21. 2020

Small Looped Zonker Streamer

So while this rabbit strip (zonker) style streamer is a relatively simple pattern concept, it still takes some effort to tie correctly and you have to get the proportions just right to make it look how you want it. For instance, a longer tail on this could make a more baitfish style streamer, like a mini baby trout, or tied with a short tail like this it will mimic a sculpin quite perfectly. Either way, doing a dubbing loop, and clipping in strips without the hide attached will help with the cast ability of these flies, and also help (in my opinion) to keep it flowing nicely in the water. Even though these are simple, they are a perfect pattern to be able to fish for trout and other predatory fish in rivers, streams and lakes. Add a sink tip, or even some lead weight to get this down quicker.

I made this pattern after seeing a couple small zonker style streamers tied by kurefluer on Instagram. I didn’t come up with this pattern, and being so simple I’m sure someone came up with it before him.

Don't forget to check out to get these hooks and other materials at a major discount. Just type in "McFly" at checkout for your discount.

Here is a list of the materials used on this fly, go check them out and use the links below to find where to purchase them.

Hook: Risen O'Shaughnessy in size 4 -
Thread: Veevus 6/0 -
Dubbing: Red hareline -
Rabbit Strip: Hareline olive barred 1/8" strip flesh colored -
Gill Rabbit Strip: orange, red or pink 1/8" rabbit strip -
Flash: holographic flashabou -
UV Resin: Solarez UV ultra thin -

Vise: Renzetti Traveler -
Bobbin: Stonfo Bobtec -
Scissors: Dr. Slick all purpose -
Whip finisher: Dr. Slick brass -
Ultrafire UV Flashlight -
Chip Clips -
Dubbing Twister: -


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