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Read the article Inexpensive materials here
Party wigs

Orange strips

Frizzy wig

Orange hair

Coarse but nice

Hair with volume

Nice material quality

Flash wigs

Great for large flies

Purple flash

Your local craft store

Party supplies

Shopping beads

Online sources

Eyes... and foam

Frizzy yarn


8-10 millimeters

Body tubing

Crinoline wigs

Sponge cord colors

Stacks of foam

Craft foam colors

Jewellery cord

Kern Lund shrimp

Translucent legs

Fly tying quality

Craft fur

Craft fur in large flies

Craft fur

Brush selection

Micro fibbets galore

Frizzy brush hairs

Puffer balls = squirmy wormy rubber

Squirmy toys

Squirmy Wormy Nymph

Spaghetti Stress Ball

Colored bead chain

About 400 eyes for 8.50 US$

Not perfect, but inexpensive

Picture hanging wire

Tiger wire = Intruder wire

The ultimate party wig

Hobby and craft store