Published Nov 16. 2017 - 6 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 17. 2017

Fishing in Port Aransas

I used to live in Corpus Christi, Texas and would catch fish non stop. However recently hurricane Harvey came through and destroyed much of Port Aransas and Rockport, and Huston got hit really bad as well. It seems like much of the fish have moved from my normal spots, and It was very difficult over the last 3 days trying to catch them and find them. I saw only one redfish in the whole 3 days of fishing, and only a few speckled trout.

This was the last day on my trip, and I ended up doing a bit of a hail mary and went on the jetties in Port Aransas. I was going out to see if there were maybe some Tarpon or Jacks at the end of the jetties. I also thought there might be some sea trout, and even a few bull reds. While I did see a few people catch some bull reds, they were using live bait, and sinking deep to the bottom, where my fly could not reach.

Unfortunately the only fish I caught was a needle fish, and they were everywhere shredding my flies. I did see a lot of sea turtles though, so that was really cool.


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